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Monday, February 2, 2015

Catching Up With the Changes of German Car Parts

Surely, you will not look for some German car parts unless you have German cars on your own. Why you bought the German cars, you can keep it to yourself, but many people believe in something so called as “German engineering.”

Germany Parts - Automotive

What the Tale Tells
It is such a widespread belief that German automobiles are all well engineered. The truth is, it was right for some period of time, but then it was not for some other time. For example, VW and Mercedes were highly reliable in 1970s, but Japanese cars were on the top of reliability rankings during the two following decades. In fact, maintaining the stability of the product quality was not easy for Mercedes, as you can see on M-Class SUV, the downfall of which is tightly followed by the reliability boost in 2011 – four years after BMW and Audi. Unfortunately, none of the German cars have made another mile of achievement ever since.
The Quality of German Automobiles
Rankings like those of Consumer Reports or J.D. Power are not everything, of course, but they tell you a couple of thing, for sure. For one thing, German cars do not give what those who have participated in the surveys want, even if it is a very simple stuff like cup holders. For the other thing, German auto manufacturers have to compensate the performance with other cost-cutting possibilities, including cheaper quality auto parts.

The Quality of German Auto Parts
Then, are all German auto parts low quality? Well, it is not a black and white case, though. With the main aim of focusing on the performance, German auto manufacturers find ways to cut any possible costs, but not in a noticeably significant behavior – in other words, they hope that you may not notice it at all. Therefore, even if the quality of the German auto cars and the parts is not compromised, the availability may be. Auto part suppliers, with which all car manufacturers work with, may provide them with the required car parts, but there are times when the delivery is not possible – again, due to the cost-cutting policy. Such absence of supply eventually leads to the higher cost of car parts on the customer’s side.

Getting Affordable German Car Parts
Even without the absence of supply, German auto parts are expensive on its own – especially when you compare them to Japanese auto parts. If you should cut your own cost in some ways, getting your German car parts from junkyards is not a bad idea. Some junkyards specialize in a particular type of cars, such as domestic brands, vintage, high-performance, Japanese, or German, while other junkyards just stock anything that the market provides and asks. If one of your German cars is a rare one, do not waste your time wandering junkyards around. Instead, ask specifically if they have in their stock the parts of your car model.

German cars today are not exactly what they define long time ago – they are more to durability than reliability now. It also applies to the German car parts. Read Also : Car Parts USA Shopping

Catching Up With the Changes of German Car Parts Posted By: technotheory