The new automotive technology won’t only make your car look cooler, but it will also improve your comfort, safety, and also convenience. New improvements, creations, and technologies are made on daily basis, and some of them have been implemented in the auto industry, so you as the consumers can really take advantage of it. Although the newest technologies are mostly offered to the newest and high end cars – which means that you have to spend money on the process – you can certainly enjoy the best, like auto wipers, airbags, electric ignition, and so much more. There are some technologies that you can enjoy from the newest variants of rides
The Rear Radar
If you often deal with problems when backing out from the parking spot, this is the right technology for you. Not everyone is able to back out easily and smoothly; some people even consider it as an adventure. The newest system won’t only alert drivers of unseen objects on the rear – tree, wall, fence, or other vehicles – it will also sound the alarm when traffic is approaching during your efforts to back up. This new technology has just been used by Chrysler with code name Path Cross Detection System and Ford with its Cross Traffic Alert. There is visual indicator that goes along with the outboard mirrors.
Pedestrian Detection with Night Vision
It is not the same as the Night View Assist. The new system is able to pinpoint pedestrians and show them on the dashboard display. This system has been used by Mercedes-Benz and also Beemer. In BMW, the pedestrian identifier is also able to show where the pedestrians are moving. If the car is going too close to the pedestrians, a warning system will appear on the windshield head up display and also night vision monitor. BMW has been using this system in their 7 Series production, released in 2009.
Auto High Beam Control
Don’t you hate when the approaching car on the opposite direction has high beam that obstructs your view? Well, with this system, you can help other drivers by providing more comfort for them. The new technology will control the high beam headlights according to approaching traffic. Mercy has made use of this technology and developed it into Adaptive Highbeam Assist. The principle is to lower or increase the light distribution gradually based on the approaching traffic’s distance. When there is no traffic, it emits high beam, but when there are other vehicles approaching, it will dim the lights.
Parental Control
Don’t you love it when parents have control over everything? If you are afraid that your teens will be speeding or turning up the volumes so loud, you can use several systems and technologies to control them. MyKey system by Ford, for instance, can be adjusted for volume and speed. When you program it right, the maximum speed will be 80 mph. it can also be programmed to produce alarm sound when you forget fastening the seatbelt. Such new automotive technology can be used to protect your kids and teens, so consider manufacturers who use them.
The Rear Radar

If you often deal with problems when backing out from the parking spot, this is the right technology for you. Not everyone is able to back out easily and smoothly; some people even consider it as an adventure. The newest system won’t only alert drivers of unseen objects on the rear – tree, wall, fence, or other vehicles – it will also sound the alarm when traffic is approaching during your efforts to back up. This new technology has just been used by Chrysler with code name Path Cross Detection System and Ford with its Cross Traffic Alert. There is visual indicator that goes along with the outboard mirrors.
Pedestrian Detection with Night Vision

It is not the same as the Night View Assist. The new system is able to pinpoint pedestrians and show them on the dashboard display. This system has been used by Mercedes-Benz and also Beemer. In BMW, the pedestrian identifier is also able to show where the pedestrians are moving. If the car is going too close to the pedestrians, a warning system will appear on the windshield head up display and also night vision monitor. BMW has been using this system in their 7 Series production, released in 2009.
Auto High Beam Control

Don’t you hate when the approaching car on the opposite direction has high beam that obstructs your view? Well, with this system, you can help other drivers by providing more comfort for them. The new technology will control the high beam headlights according to approaching traffic. Mercy has made use of this technology and developed it into Adaptive Highbeam Assist. The principle is to lower or increase the light distribution gradually based on the approaching traffic’s distance. When there is no traffic, it emits high beam, but when there are other vehicles approaching, it will dim the lights.
Parental Control

Don’t you love it when parents have control over everything? If you are afraid that your teens will be speeding or turning up the volumes so loud, you can use several systems and technologies to control them. MyKey system by Ford, for instance, can be adjusted for volume and speed. When you program it right, the maximum speed will be 80 mph. it can also be programmed to produce alarm sound when you forget fastening the seatbelt. Such new automotive technology can be used to protect your kids and teens, so consider manufacturers who use them.