You have to do more than just selling cars when you have automotive marketing jobs. As the name suggests, you are going to deal with marketing strategies and plan in trying to achieve the highest sales numbers. Cars may be one of the most crucial belongings people should have, but it doesn’t make it easy – especially if you are trying to attract people to switch their old cars to the new ones.

Marketing and Sales Differences
Most people think that marketing and sales are just the same, while they have different principles and implementation – although both of them focus on improving sales numbers. In fact, marketing and sales are two separated different disciplines. Sales are more about selling stuffs as much as possible, while marketing is more about developing products and creating strategies. In marketing, you will also deal with promotions, development, distribution, and also pricing. Not only marketing is crucial in big companies, it is mainly crucial in small companies with target customers, limited products, and also targeted deadlines. Lots of people underestimate the role of marketing, but it actually covers a lot of aspects. Often times marketing and sales are offered within the same position, so not only you will have to improve sales, you also need to deal with promotion, campaigns, advertising – and also deal with strategy, development, and distribution. Quite a lot to handle, don’t you think?
Auto Marketing Work
When you work as auto marketing specialist, you will deal with several marketing duties – usually covering the sales of the vehicles. You may be requires to create advertisement – generally involving grandeur cars ads and campaigns. Aside from creating ads, you will also have to proofread and decide the media used for the advertisement. In auto industry, it is important to be able to choose which events to attend, which guests to invite, and which promotional methods to include so you can show off the products as well as trying to maintain the image and develop network between agencies, companies, and agents. If you are the marketing manager, you don’t necessarily have to do the promotion, advertisement, marketing, or PR work, but you can make use of internal staff or contractors to execute the planning.
Marketing Management
The marketing management should work together with sales team to promote the company’s products. You can learn a lot from customers and also find out what competitors are doing. Aside from working together with sales department, you also need to work together with contractors or in house staffs in promoting, advertising, and managing public relations and social media. You are also responsible in selling brochures, sheets, order forms, and also catalogs.
Brand development and public relations are just several elements that you need to deal with. Creating a solid brand is important as it is the kind of image that will stick to customers’ impression. Besides being creative and smart, you also need to be tactile, determined, and very skilled. You aren’t supposed to be afraid of challenges; that’s what needed in these automotive marketing jobs.