The popularity of automotive LED lighting increasing from day to day; not only because of the attractive appeal, but also because of the many advantages it offers when compared to regular incandescent lighting. The usage of LED lamps have expanded and extended from the regular application to auto industry, so there are generally loads of benefits drivers can enjoy from this kind of lamp.

The General Perks
Here are some great benefits to enjoy from the LED lighting:
• They are vibration sensitive
• They last for longer period of time
• They can be adjusted and made to produce different colors
• They are quicker to light up; not to mention that they are also compact
• They are cooler – not producing extreme heat or overheat issue
• They are able to provide more light per watt without costing you more
• They are easily adjust to conventional lighting purpose as well as the advanced one
Brief History of the First LED Light
LED light in auto industry was used in Corvette brake lights in 1984. At that time, the brake light has LED center, which produce stop lamps faster and better. Because of the fast mechanism and response, drivers can generate faster response to avoid accidents. Having a 0.2 seconds stop faster may not seem much, but when it is applied to a car running on 75 mph, it means you get 21 inches of braking distance, which means that you get significant different of life and death. It brings us to other elements of using the LED: safety. Changing the light from incandescent to LED isn’t only stylish, but also provides better safety, making LED lights become the standard features in modern rides. When applied on braking lights, there are several different arrangements made. Brighter brake lights are possible made, integrated with increased pressure, or it is also possible to have flashed rapidly LED when the brake is pressed really hard, so the driver in the car behind gets improved warning system.
The Downside
Despite the fact that LED has loads of advantages and safer in the auto industry, lots of manufacturers are not very ecstatic about the idea of having LED installed into their products. The high cost is mostly responsible for the hesitation to install LED. However, as the auto market and industry is getting more demand, safety concerns are more improved, so LED lights are now required as the standard features – at least for the turn signals and brake lights. More and more manufacturers are installing LED into their headlights as well as the rear lights.
Bright Future
Thanks to Lexus 2007 LS600 hybrid variant that was the first vehicle using LED headlight, now more and more cars are installing LED for their headlights. And because the market is flooded with the demand of high quality LED lights, the price is going down, so more LED systems are available for installation. Automotive LED lighting is now officially becoming a standard in modern vehicle’s production, offering better protection and also style.